Copyright Implications and Social Media


Are you  uploading a new, you beaut photo onto your status on facebook at the moment? Take time out to think who does this image belong to.You can easily make sure that you are following copyright laws and respecting others’ intellectual and artistic property if you take care to remember the following points.

  • Make sure that any image you use is free-to-use and doesn’t have restrictions. An example of a restriction could be ‘non-commercial use’ or ‘academic use’ Some images and content are able to be used for educational purposes, which the owner will usually attach to images or make note on their website. See Shaun Tan’s comment on use of his work here under ‘permission to reproduce images and text’.
  • Am I allowed to use a particular image? A great way to check is to look on the following website:  
  •  Acknowledging the author of the image is good copyright manners, and you will be observing fair use guidelines as long as you do this.Check for the phrase ‘may be subject to copyright’ attached to images and practise restraint and sensitivity to the time and energy that an individual has put into making an image or writing a piece of literature.

I loved ‘Tea and Books’ Blog on Copyright have a look at it here following the basic pieces of advice as I have discussed will make sure you can’t go ‘copywrong'(thanks to Tegan for the cute euphamism)

Acknowledgement: Thanks to MCEETYA (Australian Ministerial Council of Education,Employment and Youth Affairs) & Copyright Advisory Group for the use of the ‘copyright copywrong’ graphic. See an example of acknowledging a source at  

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